I was in my 3 year old's bedroom the other night looking down at him as he fell asleep. As I stared at his angelic, cherubic face in the dimly lit room, I got the all too familiar rush of feelings. Euphoric, happy, sweet, in love, and sad. Realizing another day of his 3 year old world was coming to a close. Flooded with lots of wonderful memories of his babyhood.
A thought jolted me, and took my breath away. I remembered back to College and Graduate School and to the earlier years of my husband and my relationship. You see, my husband and I met in High School but waited until much later in life to have babies....38. Education and career made it difficult earlier. I thought about how time seemed to stand still during those years. We didn't feel any aging. We didn't see any aging. Of course, having our history so long together kept us very young together. Still does!
The feeling of time going by didn't start to hit until having our first baby, which was one of the 3 greatest moments in my life! I suppose most people would say this is totally normal and everyone goes through it. It just amazed me as I stood there looking at my 3 year old beautiful boy Trace, who I just brought home from the hospital yesterday! Just gave his first bath and just watched him take his first steps.
I have loved every single minute of being a mom, even though time stopped standing still.
It made me think of the people I have seen in my practice and why I push so hard for finding the core of the problem and solving it fast. Kids don't keep and time flies too fast. We need to spend that time loving and in love. That is the big picture! Everything else pales by comparison!
Thanks for reading!
Dr. Sherri
Sherri - SO beautiful and touching! I have tears in my eyes as I took this little journey with you...in total agreement with your conclusion that the feeling of time passing really didn't kick into gear until becoming a mom. Our kids change so quickly (as kids do), and we change less...until we have them to gauge the passage of rime. But it is clearly a blessing that we would never trade...mommyhood is the best!! xoxo Sydnei